Prometheus Exporter for Bandchain

Prometheus Exporter for Bandchain

For those who are running bandchain validators, we have added some custom prometheus metrics to the report executor, yoda. Although some metrics can be tracked on-chain, this exporter allows validators to get data in real-time directly from the yoda process, and easily plug into their existing monitoring/alerting systems.

The metrics added are:

1) yoda_reports_error_total - total number of errors logged.
2) yoda_reports_handling_count - number of reports currently being executed.
3) yoda_reports_pending_count - number of executed reports that are pending submission to the chain.
4) yoda_reports_submitted_total - total number of reports submitted to the chain.

To enable the exporter, simply add a line to your yoda config file specifying the address and port to listen on, for example:

metrics-listen-addr: ""

We are using the expression below for alerting, to allow for an occasional error but alert if there are many errors or an unusually high number of reports:

yoda_reports_handling_count > 50 or yoda_reports_pending_count > 10 or rate(yoda_reports_submitted_total[10m]) == 0 or rate(yoda_reports_error_total[5m]) > 0.05

Grafana dashboard

This exporter is planned for release with version v1.2.8 of bandchain protocol. Many thanks to Bun and the Band team for feedback and support!

Prometheus Exporter for Bandchain

Prometheus Exporter for Bandchain

For those who are running bandchain validators, we have added some custom prometheus metrics to the report executor, yoda. Although some metrics can be tracked on-chain, this exporter allows validators to get data in real-time directly from the yoda process, and easily plug into their existing monitoring/alerting systems.

The metrics added are:

1) yoda_reports_error_total - total number of errors logged.
2) yoda_reports_handling_count - number of reports currently being executed.
3) yoda_reports_pending_count - number of executed reports that are pending submission to the chain.
4) yoda_reports_submitted_total - total number of reports submitted to the chain.

To enable the exporter, simply add a line to your yoda config file specifying the address and port to listen on, for example:

metrics-listen-addr: ""

We are using the expression below for alerting, to allow for an occasional error but alert if there are many errors or an unusually high number of reports:

yoda_reports_handling_count > 50 or yoda_reports_pending_count > 10 or rate(yoda_reports_submitted_total[10m]) == 0 or rate(yoda_reports_error_total[5m]) > 0.05

Grafana dashboard

This exporter is planned for release with version v1.2.8 of bandchain protocol. Many thanks to Bun and the Band team for feedback and support!